Mental Health

Sudarshan Kriya Benefits For Your Mind

By Malvika Kashyap

May 22, 2022

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Sudarshan Kriya is a breathing technique that uses cyclic breathing patterns. These patterns range from slow and soothing to fast and exciting.

What is Sudarshan Kriya?

Individuals feel more connected to their surroundings at the end of each Sudarshan Kriya session than they did at the start of the practise. It can provide you with peace of mind.

Peace of Mind

Sudarshan Kriya, as an exercise and meditative practise,  leaves you energised and charged up after each session.

Energises an Individual

Individuals can reap numerous mental benefits from Sudarshan Kriya. Yoga improves sleep quality, improves brain function, and promotes a positive mental state.

Brain function

Sudarshan Kriya not only calms you down, but it also helps you think deeply. As a result, your creativity is enhanced.

Boosts Creativity

When we are at peace and relaxed, we experience less stress on the outside. Sudarshan Kriya makes you feel better while also  benefiting your skin.

Benefits for Skin

Individuals who become more aware of themselves as souls tend to feel more confident. Sudarshan Kriya boosts confidence in this way.

Boosts Confidence

Sudarshan Kriya is recommended for people who are constantly anxious. The focused breathing will help you to slow down and relax.

Relieves Anxiety

Sudarshan Kriya is a type of yoga in which you must control your breathing.  Sudarshan Kriya sessions last 20-30 minutes. So, do it every day.


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