
Digital Facts That Changed The World

By Malvika Kashyap

May 4, 2022

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A search engine is the starting point for 93% of all internet encounters. This demonstrates how critical it is to invest in good SEO practises.

SEO Statistics

On the Internet, there are over 500 million blogs. Every month,  50,000 people use Google to look for how to create a blog.

Fact About Blogging

The average number of people that use Google on any given day is 77,000, according to Internet Live Stats. In a year, this corresponds to at least 2 trillion searches.

Google Searches

Every day, 3.2 billion people utilise social media. Every day,  people spend an average of 142 minutes on social media.

Social Media Marketing Statistics

34.5 percent of clients choose help over social media when it comes to customer service. Live chat is preferred by 24.7 percent, while email is preferred by 19.4 percent.

Customer Support

The average percentage of people who open emails on their mobile devices is 49%. Welcome emails have an open rate of 82 percent on average.

Email Marketing Statistics

A website personalisation scheme is already in place at over 74 percent of the organisations polled. Only 54% of companies utilise AI-driven predictive segments at the moment.

E-Commerce Statistics

Are you aware that, out of all the social media platforms, Facebook is the most preferred content delivery method among marketers?

Most Popular Media

This is a list for anyone interested in learning about the internet, exploring digital marketing, or being a geek who enjoys learning about the internet.


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