Health Tips

Brown Rice Benefits for Health

By Malvika Kashyap

May 12 2022

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Brown rice is unpolished rice that has been dehusked by removing the outer layer. It is chewier than white rice and has a nutty flavour.

What is brown rice?

Zinc, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, flavonoids, and essential fatty acids are all found in foods. Proteins, for example.

Nutrients in brown rice

It has a low glycemic index, which helps manage blood sugar levels. Brown rice has been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes  by up to 32%.

Controls blood sugar level

It's high in dietary fibres, which help you feel fuller for longer. As a result, eating meals high in fibre may help you consume less calories overall.

Weight loss

Brown rice oil has been shown to significantly lower bad cholesterol (LDL cholesterol).

Controls cholesterol

Consumption of this rice improved disturbed mood, phases of depression, and exhaustion in nursing moms.

Improves maternal health

Brown rice contains fibres that assist control digestive movements and keep bowel movements regular. They are quite effective in curing colitis and constipation.

Aids digestion

They are high in fibre, which helps to decrease cholesterol levels, which are linked to an increased risk of neurological illnesses.


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